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Rural Rambles - Wetton

Holiday at Wetton, Staffordshire 2019-04-26
2019 - Fri Apr 26th
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Wetton, Barns Holiday Cottages, High Withes Lane
DE6 2AF   SK 11001 55323   OS Map: OL 24
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Most of the group stayed in holiday accommodation in Wetton
Walks 4 to 11 miles depending on the weather
Barry and Diana led most of these walks.
Neil created this guide booklet and added one extra walk in the area.

1) Youlgreave and Over Haddon - 9.5 Miles
2) Hartington Biggin Wolfscote Beresford Dales - 5.7 Miles
3) Hartington and Pilsbury Castle - 5.9 Miles
4) Wetton Manifold Ilam - 10 Miles
5) Roaches - 7.5 Miles
6) Wetton Alstonefield Dovedale Stanslope - 8.4 Miles
7) Wetton and Hulme End - 8.7 Miles
8) RSPB Consall Nature Park - 4 Miles - The Caldon canal towpath would make a good addition to this route

Rural Rambles: Wetton
Youlgreave and Over Haddon - Walk 1 2019-04-28 No Dogs
2019 - Sun Apr 28th -  10:00  - 9.5 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Youlgreave, Moor Lane, DE45 1WB
DE45 1WB   SK 19425 64454   OS Map: OL 24
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Allow for some ascents and descents and short detours to see the many points of interest.
Rural Rambles: Wetton
Hartington Biggin Wolfscote Beresford Dales - Walk 2 2019-04-29 No Dogs
2019 - Mon Apr 29th -  09:45  - 5.7 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Hartington, Parson's Field CP, Off Mill Lane
SK17 0BE   SK 12717 60257   OS Map: OL 24
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Food: Picnic or forage in Hartington
Rural Rambles: Wetton
Hartington and Pilsbury Castle - Walk 3 2019-04-29 No Dogs
2019 - Mon Apr 29th -  13:15  - 5.9 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Hartington, Parson's Field CP, Off Mill Lane
SK17 0BE   SK 12717 60257   OS Map: OL 24
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Food: Picnic or forage in Hartington
Rural Rambles: Wetton
Wetton Manifold Ilam - Walk 4 2019-04-30 No Dogs
2019 - Tue Apr 30th -  09:20  - 10 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Wetton, Car Park and Toilets, Carr Lane
DE6 2AF   SK 10906 55182   OS Map: OL 24
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Tea Rooms at Ilam. Pub in Wetton.
Rural Rambles: Wetton
Roaches - Walk 5 2019-05-01 No Dogs
2019 - Wed May 1st -  10:00  - 7.5 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Upper Hulme, The Roaches, Roach Road
ST13 8UA   SK 00391 62145   OS Map: OL 24
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Parts of this walk are slightly steep and potentially slippery or wet. Lud's Church (a deep slippery ravine) can be bypassed.
Rural Rambles: Wetton
Wetton Alstonfield Dovedale Stanslope - Walk 6 2019-05-02 No Dogs
2019 - Thu May 2nd -  09:20  - 8.4 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Wetton, Car Park and Toilets, Carr Lane
DE6 2AF   SK 10906 55182   OS Map: OL 24
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Wetton
Wetton and Hulme End - Walk 7 2019-05-05 No Dogs
2019 - Sun May 5th -  10:30  - 8.7 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Wetton, Car Park and Toilets, Carr Lane
DE6 2AF   SK 10906 55182   OS Map: OL 24
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Wetton
RSPB Consall Nature Park - Walk 8 2021-07-05 No Dogs
2021 - Mon Jul 5th -  10:00  - 4 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: RSPB Consall Woods, Wetley Rocks, Stoke-on-Trent
ST9 0AF   SJ 99427 48371   OS Map: X 258, 259, OL 24
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Several steep, sometimes muddy slopes
Rural Rambles: Wetton     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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