Breakfast Walk at Barnby

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Rural Rambles - North Norfolk

North Norfolk Rural Rambles 2023-09-15
2023 - Fri Sep 15th
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: North West Norfolk Area   TF 75496 29489
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September 2023 - Confirmed - It's on!

Book your own accommodation or make day visits. If we get fine weather, swimwear might be wanted.

10 am Starts - On Wednesday we'll start at high tide 11:00 a.m.

Traffic, parking and safety: PLEASE CHECK THIS PROGRAMME BEFORE SETTING OUT. We may swap walk dates if the weather is bad or there are other local problems.

Please check the safety advice for each walk.

Local Norfolk ramblers are invited to join these walks!

September Walk Number Miles Parking
Sat 16 Holkham and Wells 1 6 P&D 5 pounds, card
Sun 17 Great Massingham 2 8 Village Hall Donation
Mon 18 Sandringham Woods 3 6.2 P&D 7 pounds card
Tue 19 Holkham Estate 4 8 P&D 5 pounds card
Wed 20 Caste Rising 5 7 Park at the Castle or opposite the Golf Club
Thu 21 Castle Acre 6 7.5 Small free car park, street parking, paid parking
Fri 22 Dersingham and Snettisham 7 8.6 P&D 6 pounds, coins only (Checked 09-2023)
Sat 23 Hunstanton 8 7 Free street parking and P&D
Sun 24 Historic Lynn, Great Ouse and Nar 9 8 P&D car park
Wed 20 Burnham Overy Staithe - Cancelled 10 8 Free car park may flood

Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
Holkham and Wells - Walk 1 2023-09-16 No Dogs
2023 - Sat Sep 16th -  10:00  - 6.4 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Holkham, Park Rd, Car park near the gates of the hall
NR23 1RG   TF 89155 43677   OS Map: X 250, 251   Cost: 2 hours free. 5 pounds all day.
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
8 walkers attended.
Great Massingham - Walk 2 2023-09-17 No Dogs
2023 - Sun Sep 17th -  10:00  - 8 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Great Massingham, Village Car Park, Station Road
PE32 2HU   TF 79793 23285   OS Map: X 250   Cost: Village hall donation please
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
Please park and meet in the area behind the village hall. Additional street parking. This walk includes a very short leg along the Peddars' Way.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
17 walkers attended.
Sandringham Woods - Walk 3 2023-09-18 No Dogs
2023 - Mon Sep 18th -  10:00  - 6.2 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Sandringham, N.E. Car Park, 7 pounds all day
PE35 6EH   TF 68930 28867   OS Map: X 250   Cost: 7 pounds, all day
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
Shorter versions are possible. 5 or 4 miles. Local attractions: Sandringham house. Wolferton railway station.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
20 walkers attended.
Holkham Estate - Walk 4 2023-09-19 No Dogs
2023 - Tue Sep 19th -  10:00  - 7.5 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Holkham, Park Rd, Car park near the gates of the hall
NR23 1RG   TF 89155 43677   OS Map: X 250, 251   Cost: 2 hours free. 5 pounds all day.
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
We'll walk round a recommended route published by the Holkham Estate.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
18 walkers attended.
Castle Rising - Walk 5 2023-09-20 No Dogs
2023 - Wed Sep 20th -  10:00  - 7 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Castle Rising, Off Lodge Lane, Castle Rising
PE31 6AH   TF 66637 24474   OS Map: X 250
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
One lane floods after heavy rain. There is an 8 minute leg beside the A148 on a grass and gravel verge. We might visit the Black Horse Inn in Castle Rising. The castle gates open at 10am. Alternative parking opposite Kings Lynn Golf Club if the castle is closed.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
10 walkers attended.
Castle Acre - Walk 6 2023-09-21 No Dogs
2023 - Thu Sep 21st -  10:00  - 7.5 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Castle Acre, The Castle Car Park, Pye's Lane
PE32 2AJ   TF 81987 15229   OS Map: X 250
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
The castle car park is small, perhaps ten cars. There is street parking and a short walk to the castle. And there is paid parking at the Priory with a longer walk to the castle. Arrive a bit early to allow time to get to the start point.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
17 walkers attended.
Dersingham and Snettisham - Walk 7 2023-09-22 No Dogs
2023 - Fri Sep 22nd -  10:00  - 8.6 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Snettisham Beach, Beach Road, very narrow access lane, keep right
PE31 7PS   TF 64764 33515   OS Map: X 250   Cost: 6 pounds, coins only (Checked Sept' 2023)
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
Expect a watermill and a disused railway station. The car park sometimes floods if there's a surge tide. If there is any chance of this, we'll improvise on the day.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
12 walkers attended.
Hunstanton - Walk 8 2023-09-23 No Dogs
2023 - Sat Sep 23rd -  10:00  - 7 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Hunstanton Chapel Ruin, Cliff Parade, free street parking or PnD
PE36 6EJ   TF 67593 41970   OS Map: X 250
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
High tide is at about noon. We'll return using the beach when the tide is going out. If the beach below the cliffs can be walked, we'll do that too. Expect shallow creek wades and significant beach walking, perhaps barefoot for the creeks. There is some soft sand but mostly harder ground can be found. If the weather is bad, a shorter version is available at 6.4 miles.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
12 walkers attended.
Historic Lynn, Great Ouse and Nar - Walk 9 2023-09-24 No Dogs
2023 - Sun Sep 24th -  10:00  - 9 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Kings Lynn, NCP, Church Street
PE30 5EB   TF 61841 19792   OS Map: X 250   Cost: Pay and display, 6.50
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk
7 walkers attended.
Burnham Overy Staithe - Walk 10 2023-09-20 No Dogs
2023 - Wed Sep 20th -  11:00  - 8 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Burnham Overy Staithe, East Harbour Way
PE31 8JF   TF 84539 44381   OS Map: X 250   Cost: Free parking with flooding at high tide
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
We skipped this walk due to forecast high winds and rain, unpleasant and perhaps unsafe on the coast.
Rural Rambles: North Norfolk     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

Copyright © 2024 Waveney Ramblers.