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Rural Rambles - North Suffolk

North Suffolk Rural Rambles 2019-03-14
2019 - Thu Mar 14th - Various Miles
Meet: Horham, Community Centre, IP21 5DY
IP21 5DY   TM 21042 72368   OS Map: X 230
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Eye and Dove Valley - Walk 1 2020-05-22 No Dogs
2020 - Fri May 22nd -  10:30  - 5 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve, Ludgate Causeway
IP23 7NH   TM 15127 73754   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve Launch W3W Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve ///yummy.jumbo.forgives yummy.jumbo.forgives
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Eye and Braisworth - Walk 2 2020-05-24 No Dogs
2020 - Sun May 24th -  10:30  - 6.1 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve, Ludgate Causeway
IP23 7NH   TM 15127 73754   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve Launch W3W Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve ///yummy.jumbo.forgives yummy.jumbo.forgives
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Eye and Brome Street - Walk 3 2020-05-19 No Dogs
2020 - Tue May 19th -  10:30  - 6.2 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve, Ludgate Causeway
IP23 7NH   TM 15127 73754   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve Launch W3W Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve ///yummy.jumbo.forgives yummy.jumbo.forgives
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Wensum Group led the original version, October 10th, 2017
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Eye and Denham Street - Walk 4 2023-07-23 No Dogs
2023 - Sun Jul 23rd -  10:30  - 8.4 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve, Ludgate Causeway
IP23 7NH   TM 15127 73754   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve Launch W3W Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve ///yummy.jumbo.forgives yummy.jumbo.forgives
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Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
8 walkers attended.
Eye Redlingfield Occold - Walk 5 2019-03-11 No Dogs
2019 - Mon Mar 11th -  10:30  - 10.1 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve, Ludgate Causeway
IP23 7NH   TM 15127 73754   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve Launch W3W Navigation to Eye, Pennings Nature Reserve ///yummy.jumbo.forgives yummy.jumbo.forgives
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Horham Reading Green Stradbroke - Walk 6 2020-07-02 No Dogs
2020 - Thu Jul 2nd -  10:30  - 6.8 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Horham, Community Centre, IP21 5DY
IP21 5DY   TM 21042 72368   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Horham, Community Centre Launch W3W Navigation to Horham, Community Centre ///ships.offshore.somewhere ships.offshore.somewhere
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Horham and Redlingfield - Walk 7 2019-03-18 No Dogs
2019 - Mon Mar 18th -  10:30  - 7.1 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Horham, Community Centre, IP21 5DY
IP21 5DY   TM 21042 72368   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Horham, Community Centre Launch W3W Navigation to Horham, Community Centre ///ships.offshore.somewhere ships.offshore.somewhere
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Hoxne and Brakey Wood - Walk 8 2020-05-14 No Dogs
2020 - Thu May 14th -  10:30  - 4.3 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Hoxne, Village Hall, St Edmund's Hall
IP21 5AN   TM 17974 76943   OS Map: X 230   Cost: Village hall donation please
Launch Google Navigation to Hoxne, Village Hall Launch W3W Navigation to Hoxne, Village Hall ///yummy.vital.glue yummy.vital.glue
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Hoxne and South Green - Walk 9 2018-11-21 No Dogs
2018 - Wed Nov 21st -  10:30  - 4.75 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Hoxne, Village Hall, St Edmund's Hall
IP21 5AN   TM 17974 76943   OS Map: X 230   Cost: Village hall donation please
Launch Google Navigation to Hoxne, Village Hall Launch W3W Navigation to Hoxne, Village Hall ///yummy.vital.glue yummy.vital.glue
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Stradbroke and Wilby - Walk 10 2019-02-23 No Dogs
2019 - Sat Feb 23rd -  10:30  - 6.5 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Stradbroke, All Saints Church, Church Street, Street Parking
IP21 5HT   TM 23138 73969   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Stradbroke, All Saints Church Launch W3W Navigation to Stradbroke, All Saints Church ///windpipe.boils.honest windpipe.boils.honest
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Stradbroke and Wingfield - Walk 11 2019-02-25 No Dogs
2019 - Mon Feb 25th -  10:30  - 9.92 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Stradbroke, Community Centre, Wilby Road
IP21 5JN   TM 22965 73620   OS Map: X 221, 230
Launch Google Navigation to Stradbroke, Community Centre Launch W3W Navigation to Stradbroke, Community Centre ///reddish.slugs.loaning reddish.slugs.loaning
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Thorndon and Braiseworth - Walk 12 2020-05-26 No Dogs
2020 - Tue May 26th -  10:30  - 5.25 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Thorndon, All Saints Church, Rishangles Road
IP23 7JR   TM 14218 69609   OS Map: X 211, 230
Launch Google Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church Launch W3W Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church ///arise.slimy.trails arise.slimy.trails
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Thorndon and Dale Hill - Walk 13 2020-06-01 No Dogs
2020 - Mon Jun 1st -  10:30  - 5.8 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Thorndon, All Saints Church, Rishangles Road
IP23 7JR   TM 14218 69609   OS Map: X 211, 230
Launch Google Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church Launch W3W Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church ///arise.slimy.trails arise.slimy.trails
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Thorndon and Wetheringset - Walk 14 2019-04-01 No Dogs
2019 - Mon Apr 1st -  10:30  - 6 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Thorndon, All Saints Church, Rishangles Road
IP23 7JR   TM 14218 69609   OS Map: X 211, 230
Launch Google Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church Launch W3W Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church ///arise.slimy.trails arise.slimy.trails
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Thorndon and Wickham Skeith - Walk 15 2020-07-04 No Dogs
2020 - Sat Jul 4th -  10:30  - 7.5 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Thorndon, All Saints Church, Rishangles Road
IP23 7JR   TM 14218 69609   OS Map: X 211, 230
Launch Google Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church Launch W3W Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church ///arise.slimy.trails arise.slimy.trails
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Thorndon Occold Dublin Rishangles - Walk 16 2019-03-08 No Dogs
2019 - Fri Mar 8th -  10:30  - 8 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Thorndon, All Saints Church, Rishangles Road
IP23 7JR   TM 14218 69609   OS Map: X 211, 230
Launch Google Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church Launch W3W Navigation to Thorndon, All Saints Church ///arise.slimy.trails arise.slimy.trails
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Worlingworth and Fingal Street - Walk 17 2020-06-20 No Dogs
2020 - Sat Jun 20th -  10:30  - 4.55 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Worlingworth, Community Centre, Shop Street
IP13 7HG   TM 22323 68232   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Worlingworth, Community Centre Launch W3W Navigation to Worlingworth, Community Centre ///outer.feasting.footsteps outer.feasting.footsteps
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Worlingworth - Walk 18 2019-03-02 No Dogs
2019 - Sat Mar 2nd -  10:30  - 4.6 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Worlingworth, Community Centre, Shop Street
IP13 7HG   TM 22323 68232   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Worlingworth, Community Centre Launch W3W Navigation to Worlingworth, Community Centre ///outer.feasting.footsteps outer.feasting.footsteps
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Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Worlingworth and Southolt - Walk 19 2019-04-02 No Dogs
2019 - Tue Apr 2nd -  10:30  - 7.6 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Worlingworth, Community Centre, Shop Street
IP13 7HG   TM 22323 68232   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Worlingworth, Community Centre Launch W3W Navigation to Worlingworth, Community Centre ///outer.feasting.footsteps outer.feasting.footsteps
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk
Worlingworth and Athelington - Walk 20 2020-07-15 No Dogs
2020 - Wed Jul 15th -  10:30  - 9.7 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Worlingworth, Community Centre, Shop Street
IP13 7HG   TM 22323 68232   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Worlingworth, Community Centre Launch W3W Navigation to Worlingworth, Community Centre ///outer.feasting.footsteps outer.feasting.footsteps
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: North Suffolk

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

Copyright © 2024 Waveney Ramblers.