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Covehithe, Green Lane (id: 31)

(north end), NR34 7JJ, TM 51072 82282
52.381,1.68775 - charted.flop.under
X 231 - View OS Map

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Covehithe and Benacre 2024-02-07 No Dogs
2024 - Wed Feb 7th -  10:30  - 5.8 Miles
Connie Call Connie on 07436 878301 07436 878301
Meet: Covehithe, Green Lane, (north end)
NR34 7JJ   TM 51072 82282   OS Map: X 231
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5.8 miles if we avoid the cliff top paths. 5 miles via the unsafe cliff-top paths. At high tide and after storms, the beach might be flooded and very unsafe.
24 walkers attended.
Potters Bridge Wrentham Frostenden - Walk 2 2015-11-02 No Dogs
2015 - Mon Nov 2nd -  10:30  - 6.4 Miles
Meet: Covehithe, Green Lane, (north end)
NR34 7JJ   TM 51072 82282   OS Map: X 231
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Covehithe and Benacre Area - Pork Farmers Walk 2018-06-24 No Dogs
2018 - Sun Jun 24th -  10:30  - 10 Miles
Meet: Covehithe, Green Lane, (north end)
NR34 7JJ   TM 51072 82282   OS Map: X 231
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Food: Picnic lunch.
Covehithe (Walk B) 2019-01-06 No Dogs
2019 - Sun Jan 6th -  10:00  - 10 Miles
Brian Call Brian on 07870 978759 07870 978759
Meet: Covehithe, Green Lane, (north end)
NR34 7JJ   TM 51072 82282   OS Map: X 231
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Covehithe and Reydon (Walk B) 2018-05-20 No Dogs
2018 - Sun May 20th -  10:30  - 11.2 Miles
Meet: Covehithe, Green Lane, (north end)
NR34 7JJ   TM 51072 82282   OS Map: X 231
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Food: Picnic lunch.
Includes a low tide beach walk.

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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