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Rural Rambles - Southwold

Rural Rambles Southwold 2015-10-31 No Dogs
2015 - Sat Oct 31st -  10:30  - Various Miles
Meet: Southwold Common, near Water Towers, York Road
IP18 6TB   TM 50305 76280   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Southwold Common, near Water Towers Launch W3W Navigation to Southwold Common, near Water Towers ///rooftop.toads.certified rooftop.toads.certified
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Southwold and Reydon - Walk 1 2015-11-01 No Dogs
2015 - Sun Nov 1st -  10:30  - 5 Miles
Meet: Southwold, Pier, North Parade, Street Parking
IP18 6BN   TM 51185 76775   OS Map: X 231
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Potters Bridge Wrentham Frostenden - Walk 2 2015-11-02 No Dogs
2015 - Mon Nov 2nd -  10:30  - 6.4 Miles
Meet: Covehithe, Green Lane, (north end)
NR34 7JJ   TM 51072 82282   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Covehithe, Green Lane Launch W3W Navigation to Covehithe, Green Lane ///charted.flop.under charted.flop.under
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Frostenden - Walk 3 2015-11-03 No Dogs
2015 - Tue Nov 3rd -  10:30  - 6.3 Miles
Meet: Frostenden, All Saints Church, Church Lane
NR34 7HS   TM 47908 81744   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Frostenden, All Saints Church Launch W3W Navigation to Frostenden, All Saints Church ///barmaid.nicely.demanding barmaid.nicely.demanding
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Reydon - Walk 4 2015-11-04 No Dogs
2015 - Wed Nov 4th -  10:30  - 6.7 Miles
Meet: Reydon, St Margarets, Wangford Road. Park away from church.
IP18 6PB   TM 49206 78184   OS Map: X 231   Cost: Parking donation please.
Launch Google Navigation to Reydon, St Margarets Launch W3W Navigation to Reydon, St Margarets ///jelly.look.steadier jelly.look.steadier
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Walberswick Southwold Tinkers Marsh - Walk 5 2018-04-20 No Dogs
2018 - Fri Apr 20th -  10:00  - 10.4 Miles
Meet: Southwold Common, near Water Towers, York Road
IP18 6TB   TM 50305 76280   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Southwold Common, near Water Towers Launch W3W Navigation to Southwold Common, near Water Towers ///rooftop.toads.certified rooftop.toads.certified
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Food: Picnic Lunch
Rural Rambles: Southwold
Wangford and Uggeshall - Walk 6 2015-11-06 No Dogs
2015 - Fri Nov 6th -  10:30  - 4.2 Miles
Meet: Wangford, St. Peter and Paul, Church St. Meet at west end
NR34 8RW   TM 46555 79184   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Wangford, St. Peter and Paul Launch W3W Navigation to Wangford, St. Peter and Paul ///prancing.chief.file prancing.chief.file
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Southwold and Walberswick - Walk 7 2015-11-07 No Dogs
2015 - Sat Nov 7th -  10:30  - 5.6 Miles
Meet: Southwold Common, near Water Towers, York Road
IP18 6TB   TM 50305 76280   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Southwold Common, near Water Towers Launch W3W Navigation to Southwold Common, near Water Towers ///rooftop.toads.certified rooftop.toads.certified
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Westwood Marshes - Walk 8 2015-11-08 No Dogs
2015 - Sun Nov 8th -  10:30  - 5.7 Miles
Meet: Dunwich, Five Ways, B1125
IP19 9NF   TM 45041 72623   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Dunwich, Five Ways Launch W3W Navigation to Dunwich, Five Ways ///solo.whiplash.resources solo.whiplash.resources
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Blythburgh and Walberswick - Walk 9 2015-11-09 No Dogs
2015 - Mon Nov 9th -  10:30  - 7 Miles
Meet: Blythburgh, Holy Trinity, Church Road
IP19 9LP   TM 45089 75236   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Blythburgh, Holy Trinity Launch W3W Navigation to Blythburgh, Holy Trinity ///curly.tried.jugs curly.tried.jugs
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
Dunwich West - Walk 10 2015-11-10 No Dogs
2015 - Tue Nov 10th -  10:30  - 8.5 Miles
Meet: Dunwich, Beach, Beach Road
IP17 3EN   TM 47915 70778   OS Map: X 231   Cost: Donation please
Launch Google Navigation to Dunwich, Beach Launch W3W Navigation to Dunwich, Beach ///premature.merit.flopping premature.merit.flopping
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Southwold
Dunwich South - Walk 11 2023-06-18 No Dogs
2023 - Sun Jun 18th -  10:00  - 6 Miles
Margaret H Call Margaret on 07936 377996 07936 377996
Meet: Dunwich, Beach, Beach Road
IP17 3EN   TM 47915 70778   OS Map: X 231   Cost: Donation please
Launch Google Navigation to Dunwich, Beach Launch W3W Navigation to Dunwich, Beach ///premature.merit.flopping premature.merit.flopping
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Rural Rambles: Southwold
14 walkers attended.
Reydon - Walk 12 2022-06-08 No Dogs
2022 - Wed Jun 8th -  10:30  - 5.5 Miles
Alison Call Alison on 01502 723988 01502 723988 Call Alison on 07729 472424 07729 472424
Meet: Reydon, St Margarets, Wangford Road. Park away from church.
IP18 6PB   TM 49206 78184   OS Map: X 231   Cost: Parking donation please.
Launch Google Navigation to Reydon, St Margarets Launch W3W Navigation to Reydon, St Margarets ///jelly.look.steadier jelly.look.steadier
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Rural Rambles: Southwold

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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