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Rural Rambles - Sandlings Walks

Sandlings Walk - 14 Circular Routes 2015-01-31 No Dogs
2015 - Sat Jan 31st - 60 Miles
Meet: Ipswich, Rushmere Heath, Heath Lane, Sandlings Path start
IP4 5RX   TM 19650 44448   OS Map: X 197
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Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Ipswich - Walk 1 2015-02-01 No Dogs
2015 - Sun Feb 1st -  10:00  - 8.2 Miles
Meet: Rushmere, Saint Andrew's Church, St Andrew's Church Close
IP5 1DJ   TM 19643 46040   OS Map: X 197
Launch Google Navigation to Rushmere, Saint Andrew's Church Launch W3W Navigation to Rushmere, Saint Andrew's Church ///frozen.pigs.police frozen.pigs.police
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Bixley and Rushmere Heaths - Walk 2 2015-02-01 No Dogs
2015 - Sun Feb 1st -  10:30  - 6 Miles
Meet: Ipswich, Chilton Road, Street Parking
IP3 8PD   TM 19207 43983   OS Map: X 197
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Kesgrave and Playford - Walk 3 2015-02-02 No Dogs
2015 - Mon Feb 2nd -  10:00  - 12.5 Miles
Meet: Kesgrave, Sports Fields, Millennium Way
IP5 2EN   TM 23201 44958   OS Map: X 197
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Woodbridge and Melton - Walk 4 2020-03-19 No Dogs
2020 - Thu Mar 19th -  10:00  - 10.7 Miles
Meet: Melton, Riverside, Wilford Bridge Road
IP12 2PA   TM 28813 50301   OS Map: X 197
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Sandlings 1 3 4 - Train Walk - Ipswich to Melton - Walk 4.1 2020-03-05
2020 - Thu Mar 5th -  09:45  - 12.2 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Melton, Riverside, Wilford Bridge Road
IP12 2PA   TM 28813 50301   OS Map: X 197
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Sandlings Walks 1, 3 and 4 are combined with a train ride. Catch the train 10:12 from Melton to Ipswich and walk back to Melton. The fare is £5.10 or a bit less if we get a group ticket. The walk guides describe the three walks. The tide will be low when we walk the leg that floods. Please re-check the start time nearer the day in case the train timetables have altered. There is an option to shorten the walk by a couple of miles by stopping at Woodbridge and riding the train back to Melton, one stop away.
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Sutton - Walk 5 2020-04-09 No Dogs
2020 - Thu Apr 9th -  10:00  - 10.5 Miles
Meet: Melton, Riverside, Wilford Bridge Road
IP12 2PA   TM 28813 50301   OS Map: X 197
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Rendlesham - Walk 6 2020-04-23 No Dogs
2020 - Thu Apr 23rd -  10:30  - 10 Miles
Meet: Rendlesham Forest, Butley Corner CP (Free), North off B1084
IP12 3PF   TM 35015 50267   OS Map: X 212
Launch Google Navigation to Rendlesham Forest, Butley Corner CP (Free) Launch W3W Navigation to Rendlesham Forest, Butley Corner CP (Free) ///magically.punctured.octopus magically.punctured.octopus
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Butley - Walk 7 2020-05-07 No Dogs
2020 - Thu May 7th -  10:00  - 10.5 Miles
Meet: Rendlesham Forest, Pay and Display, South off B1084 to Rendlesham-Forest-Centre
IP12 3NF   TM 35419 49141   OS Map: X 212
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Snape South - Walk 8 2020-05-21 No Dogs
2020 - Thu May 21st -  10:00  - 9.2 Miles
Meet: Snape, Maltings, Park in SE corner clear of shops.
IP17 1SP   TM 39351 57337   OS Map: X 212
Launch Google Navigation to Snape, Maltings Launch W3W Navigation to Snape, Maltings ///ironclad.chest.archive ironclad.chest.archive
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Snape North - Walk 9 2020-10-01 No Dogs
2020 - Thu Oct 1st -  10:00  - 11 Miles
Meet: Snape, Maltings, Park in SE corner clear of shops.
IP17 1SP   TM 39351 57337   OS Map: X 212
Launch Google Navigation to Snape, Maltings Launch W3W Navigation to Snape, Maltings ///ironclad.chest.archive ironclad.chest.archive
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Aldringham - Walk 10 2020-06-04 No Dogs
2020 - Thu Jun 4th -  10:00  - 8.4 Miles
Meet: Sizewell, Gap Pay and Display, Limited free road parking
IP16 4UH   TM 47505 62886   OS Map: X 212   Cost: 4.00 all day
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Sizewell and Minsmere - Walk 11 2020-06-18 No Dogs
2020 - Thu Jun 18th -  10:00  - 9.2 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Leiston, Kenton Hills, off Lover's Lane
IP16 4UP   TM 45354 63867   OS Map: X 212
Launch Google Navigation to Leiston, Kenton Hills Launch W3W Navigation to Leiston, Kenton Hills ///single.marine.knees single.marine.knees
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Dunwich - Walk 12 2021-05-13 No Dogs
2021 - Thu May 13th -  10:00  - 11 Miles
Meet: Dunwich, Five Ways, B1125
IP19 9NF   TM 45041 72623   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Dunwich, Five Ways Launch W3W Navigation to Dunwich, Five Ways ///solo.whiplash.resources solo.whiplash.resources
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Walberswick - Walk 13 2015-02-12 No Dogs
2015 - Thu Feb 12th -  10:00  - 8.5 Miles
Meet: Dunwich, Five Ways, B1125
IP19 9NF   TM 45041 72623   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Dunwich, Five Ways Launch W3W Navigation to Dunwich, Five Ways ///solo.whiplash.resources solo.whiplash.resources
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks
Southwold - Walk 14 2015-02-13 No Dogs
2015 - Fri Feb 13th -  10:00  - 4.6 Miles
Meet: Southwold Common, near Water Towers, York Road
IP18 6TB   TM 50305 76280   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Southwold Common, near Water Towers Launch W3W Navigation to Southwold Common, near Water Towers ///rooftop.toads.certified rooftop.toads.certified
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Rural Rambles: Sandlings Walks

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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