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Norwich, View Point (id: 95)

Britannia Road, NR1 4HP, TG 24377 09370
52.6357,1.31451 -
X 237, OL 40 - View OS Map

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Norwich Cathedral 2021-12-14 No Dogs
2021 - Tue Dec 14th -  10:30  - 3.7 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Norwich, View Point, Britannia Road
NR1 4HP   TG 24377 09370   OS Map: X 237, OL 40
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Free parking with fine views. The cathedral asks for a fiver donation. Worth every penny!
B St Eds at Norwich 2017-09-21
2017 - Thu Sep 21st -  11:15  - 6.1 Miles
Meet: Norwich, View Point, Britannia Road
NR1 4HP   TG 24377 09370   OS Map: X 237, OL 40
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Food: Picnic or Cafe

Mostly urban wood and park land. Beautiful! The circular route included a 5.4 mile walk with optional lunch at the cafe.     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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