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Sutton Heath Picnic Area (id: 45)

Off B1083, IP12 3JD, TM 30635 47539
52.0781,1.36438 - flagpole.exchanges.footpath
X 197 - View OS Map

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Sutton Hoo 2024-06-30 No Dogs
2024 - Sun Jun 30th -  10:00  - 9.8 or 8.3 Miles
Graham Call Graham on 07986 184716 07986 184716
Meet: Sutton Heath Picnic Area, Off B1083
IP12 3JD   TM 30635 47539   OS Map: X 197
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch.

We will be starting at the Sutton Heath picnic site car park. We'll walk to the river Deben and up to the Sutton Hoo visitor centre. We'll have a picnic lunch there. There is a toilet and cafe. Finally head back to the car park via the golf course.

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