Weybread Area

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Oulton Broad, St Marks Church Hall (id: 419)

Bridge Road, car park at rear, NR33 9JX, TM 51989 92327
52.4707,1.70876 - detect.socket.free
X 231, OL 40 - View OS Map

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Suffolk Area AGM - Walk afterwards 2024-02-03
2024 - Sat Feb 3rd -  10:30  - 5 Miles
Margaret W Call Margaret on 07914 057678 07914 057678
Meet: Oulton Broad, St Marks Church Hall, Bridge Road, car park at rear
NR33 9JX   TM 51989 92327   OS Map: X 231, OL 40
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Food: Please bring a picnic lunch.

Please park behind the church. There is overflow parking in the pay and display opposite the church. After the AGM and lunch there will be a walk in the local Carlton Marshes and Lake Lothing area.

The guest speaker will be Tom Platt. Director of Advocacy and Engagements. There will be a Q&A.

20 walkers attended.

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

Copyright © 2024 Waveney Ramblers.