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Eye, Cross Street CP (id: 37)

Cross Street, IP23 7AB, TM 14387 73850
52.3209,1.1443 - rails.fishnet.darling
X 230 - View OS Map

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Eye and Dove 2023-10-22 No Dogs
2023 - Sun Oct 22nd -  10:00  - 8.4 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Eye, Cross Street CP, Cross Street
IP23 7AB   TM 14387 73850   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Eye, Cross Street CP Launch W3W Navigation to Eye, Cross Street CP ///rails.fishnet.darling rails.fishnet.darling
Google Track Log Bing OS Track Log OSM Track Log KML Download GPX Download Wikiloc App Photo Gallery

Food: Please bring your own picnic lunch.

The Pennings car park is flooded (09:00 Sunday). Park at Cross Street (town centre). We will walk an alternative route.

Shorter route available.

4 walkers attended.
Eye and Thorndon 2018-11-25 No Dogs
2018 - Sun Nov 25th -  10:00  - 9.7 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Eye, Cross Street CP, Cross Street
IP23 7AB   TM 14387 73850   OS Map: X 230
Launch Google Navigation to Eye, Cross Street CP Launch W3W Navigation to Eye, Cross Street CP ///rails.fishnet.darling rails.fishnet.darling
Google Track Log Bing OS Track Log OSM Track Log KML Download GPX Download Photo Gallery

Food: Bring your own picnic lunch
The maps and track downloads differ slightly from the route we walked. Poor signposting led us to deviate off the correct rights of way a couple of times. The edited track attempts to correct our errors.

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

Copyright © 2024 Waveney Ramblers.