Westleton Heath

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Mettingham Lay-by (id: 352)

B1062, 500 metres east of the Tally Ho Tea Rooms, NR35 1TL, TM 36438 90031
52.457,1.47865 - commander.flipper.tanked
X 231, OL 40 - View OS Map

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Mettingham 2023-03-26 No Dogs
2023 - Sun Mar 26th -  10:30  - 5.2 Miles
Grant Call Grant on 07743 092850 07743 092850
Meet: Mettingham Lay-by, B1062, 500 metres east of the Tally Ho Tea Rooms
NR35 1TL   TM 36438 90031   OS Map: X 231, OL 40
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8 walkers attended.

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

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Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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