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Thetford, Bury Road playing fields (id: 346)

Off A134 half a mile south of Thetford, IP24 3EB, TL 86691 81758
52.402,0.74285 -
X 229 - View OS Map

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Thetford - Walk 1 2015-06-01
2015 - Mon Jun 1st -  10:00  - 8.3 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Thetford, Bury Road playing fields, Off A134 half a mile south of Thetford
IP24 3EB   TL 86691 81758   OS Map: X 229
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Rural Rambles: Angles Way
Angles Way Rural Rambles 2015-05-31
2015 - Sun May 31st -  10:00  - 96 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Thetford, Bury Road playing fields, Off A134 half a mile south of Thetford
IP24 3EB   TL 86691 81758   OS Map: X 229
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