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Bungay, Green Dragon bus stop (id: 273)

Broad Street, North side of the road, NR35 1EF, TM 33502 89973
52.4577,1.43548 - epic.winters.songbirds
X 231, OL 40 - View OS Map

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Halesworth to Bungay Linear - Walk 15 2017-05-21
2017 - Sun May 21st -  10:45  - 11 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Bungay, Green Dragon bus stop, Broad Street, North side of the road
NR35 1EF   TM 33502 89973   OS Map: X 231, OL 40
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Food: Picnic
Rural Rambles: Bungay

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

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Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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