Wensum Group at Homersfield

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Shadingfield, Fox Inn (id: 259)

London Road, NR34 8DD, TM 43475 85046
52.4092,1.57837 - wiggly.fluffed.blazed
X 231 - View OS Map

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Shadingfield 2019-11-06 No Dogs
2019 - Wed Nov 6th -  10:30  - 5.8 Miles
Chris Call Chris on 01502 714812 01502 714812
Meet: Shadingfield, Fox Inn, London Road
NR34 8DD   TM 43475 85046   OS Map: X 231
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Please patronise the pub if using their car park.

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Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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