Breakfast Walk at Barnby

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Tunstall, Sandgalls Car Park (Viking Trail) (id: 254)

Tunstall Road, IP12 2EJ, TM 38051 55956
52.1505,1.47827 - euphoric.romantics.front
X 212 - View OS Map

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Tunstall Viking Trail, Roman Reconstruction, Wind, Rain, Mud 2023-12-27 No Dogs
2023 - Wed Dec 27th -  10:30  - 5.2 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Tunstall, Sandgalls Car Park (Viking Trail), Tunstall Road
IP12 2EJ   TM 38051 55956   OS Map: X 212
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Food: Try Snape Maltings - not booked!

5 walkers attended.
Tunstall Forest 2023-12-19
2023 - Tue Dec 19th -  10:30  - 5.9 Miles
Meet: Tunstall, Sandgalls Car Park (Viking Trail), Tunstall Road
IP12 2EJ   TM 38051 55956   OS Map: X 212
Launch Google Navigation to Tunstall, Sandgalls Car Park (Viking Trail) Launch W3W Navigation to Tunstall, Sandgalls Car Park (Viking Trail) ///euphoric.romantics.front euphoric.romantics.front
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Colchester Ramblers led this walk.
19 walkers attended.
Tunstall Forest and Viking Trail 2017-02-26 No Dogs
2017 - Sun Feb 26th -  10:00  - 10 Miles
Meet: Tunstall, Sandgalls Car Park (Viking Trail), Tunstall Road
IP12 2EJ   TM 38051 55956   OS Map: X 212
Launch Google Navigation to Tunstall, Sandgalls Car Park (Viking Trail) Launch W3W Navigation to Tunstall, Sandgalls Car Park (Viking Trail) ///euphoric.romantics.front euphoric.romantics.front
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Food: Picnic lunch

On this 10 mile walk, you are never more than 1.8 miles from the car park. It's ideal if you might need to abandon the walk due to foul weather.     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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