Wensum Group at Homersfield

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Ipswich East, Old A12 (id: 233)

East off A12 roundabout along Newbourne Road then first left., IP10 0BH, TM 24882 44264
52.0511,1.27841 - dolphin.perused.bits
X 197 - View OS Map

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Newbourne and Waldringfield (Walk B) 2018-12-02 No Dogs
2018 - Sun Dec 2nd -  10:00  - 9.5 Miles
Meet: Ipswich East, Old A12, East off A12 roundabout along Newbourne Road then first left.
IP10 0BH   TM 24882 44264   OS Map: X 197
Launch Google Navigation to Ipswich East, Old A12 Launch W3W Navigation to Ipswich East, Old A12 ///dolphin.perused.bits dolphin.perused.bits
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch

The track log is a reconstruction due to accidental loss of the recording. It should be accurate enough with some loss of fine detail, mainly at junctions.

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

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Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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