Westleton Heath

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Kedington, Community Centre (id: 227)

Great Meadow, Arms Lane, CB9 7QQ, TL 70569 46395
52.0896,0.48828 - unfilled.roost.surveyors
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Suffolk Area AGM 2018-02-03 No Dogs
2018 - Sat Feb 3rd -  10:00  - 5.0 Miles
Meet: Kedington, Community Centre, Great Meadow, Arms Lane
CB9 7QQ   TL 70569 46395   OS Map: X 210
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Coffee and Tea available from 10 am, prior to start of meeting at 10.30 am Followed by a walk in the afternoon.

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

Copyright © 2024 Waveney Ramblers.