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Deal, Railway Station (id: 208)

Queen Street, CT14 6HD, TR 37430 52600
51.2232,1.39895 - wizard.headed.places
X 138, 150 - View OS Map

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Dover to Deal Walk 2017-09-30
2017 - Sat Sep 30th -  09:15  - 10.6 Miles
Meet: Deal, Railway Station, Queen Street
CT14 6HD   TR 37430 52600   OS Map: X 138, 150
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Food: Picnic or Pub - Several on the route.

A Waveney Group walker found this interesting route. Many trains depart at 31 minutes past the hour (check timetables though).     Visit Facebook

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Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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