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Minsmere, Vault Hill, CLOSED (id: 185)

CLOSED, IP17 3BY, TM 46073 67613
52.2516,1.60374 - shipwreck.awoke.thousands
X 231 - View OS Map

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Westleton Walks 2019-11-13 No Dogs
2019 - Wed Nov 13th -  10:30  - 5 Miles
Meet: Minsmere, Vault Hill, CLOSED, CLOSED
IP17 3BY   TM 46073 67613   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Minsmere, Vault Hill, CLOSED Launch W3W Navigation to Minsmere, Vault Hill, CLOSED ///shipwreck.awoke.thousands shipwreck.awoke.thousands
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The section north from the Vault Hill parking area is open only in November, December, January and February. Please use the slightly shorter alternative in the other months. For a five mile walk, omit the leg to the Minsmere Reserve car park.     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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