Wensum Group at Homersfield

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Westleton, Common (id: 159)

Off Mill Street, IP17 3BB, TM 44262 68800
52.2631,1.57813 - fuse.tornado.victor
X 212, 231 - View OS Map

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Westleton Dunwich Eastbridge 2017-06-29 No Dogs
2017 - Thu Jun 29th -  10:00  - 9 Miles
Meet: Westleton, Common, Off Mill Street
IP17 3BB   TM 44262 68800   OS Map: X 212, 231
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On this day, the Alde Valley Group led a walk similar to this. Neil missed the start by a large margin, failed to meet the group at Dunwich Beach (they were at the coast guard cottages) but he did meet them at the Eel's Foot Inn, joining them for the walk back to Westleton.

Westleton South 2019-02-22 No Dogs
2019 - Fri Feb 22nd -  10:30  - 10.5 Miles
Meet: Westleton, Common, Off Mill Street
IP17 3BB   TM 44262 68800   OS Map: X 212, 231
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Food: Bring your own picnic lunch

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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