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Rural Rambles - Waveney Valley Bounds

Waveney Valley Bounds 1 to 20 - Walk 0.1 2024-07-12 No Dogs
2024 - Fri Jul 12th - 155/333 Miles
Meet: Harleston, Bullock Fair, East of England Co-op. Access via Wilderness Lane, Swan Lane, Weavers Croft and Paddock Road.
IP20 9AT   TM 24453 83475   OS Map: X 230, 231
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Harleston is roughly at the centre of the constituency.
Rural Rambles: Waveney Valley Bounds
Waveney Valley Bounds 21 to 40 - Walk 0.2 2024-07-12 No Dogs
2024 - Fri Jul 12th - 155/333 Miles
Meet: Harleston, Bullock Fair, East of England Co-op. Access via Wilderness Lane, Swan Lane, Weavers Croft and Paddock Road.
IP20 9AT   TM 24453 83475   OS Map: X 230, 231
Launch Google Navigation to Harleston, Bullock Fair Launch W3W Navigation to Harleston, Bullock Fair ///doll.prancing.energy doll.prancing.energy
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Harleston is roughly at the centre of the constituency.
Rural Rambles: Waveney Valley Bounds
Waveney Valley Wards Map - Walk 0.3 2024-07-13 No Dogs
2024 - Sat Jul 13th
Meet: Harleston, Bullock Fair, East of England Co-op. Access via Wilderness Lane, Swan Lane, Weavers Croft and Paddock Road.
IP20 9AT   TM 24453 83475   OS Map: X 230, 231
Launch Google Navigation to Harleston, Bullock Fair Launch W3W Navigation to Harleston, Bullock Fair ///doll.prancing.energy doll.prancing.energy
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Harleston is roughly at the centre of the constituency.
Rural Rambles: Waveney Valley Bounds
Beccles and Ellough - Walk 1 2024-07-15 No Dogs
2024 - Mon Jul 15th -  10:00  - 10 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Beccles, Dell Car Park, Bungay Road. Additional parking in Ringsfield Road.
NR34 9LZ   TM 41812 89984   OS Map: X 231, OL 40
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Rural Rambles: Waveney Valley Bounds
Ellough, Hulver and Sotterley - Walk 2 2024-07-16 No Dogs
2024 - Tue Jul 16th -  10:00  - 7.8 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Hulver Street, Jay's Park Road, Space for one or two cars!
NR34 7UE   TM 46569 86932   OS Map: X 231
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Rural Rambles: Waveney Valley Bounds
Sotterley and Stoven - Walk 3 2024-07-18 No Dogs
2024 - Thu Jul 18th -  10:00  - 7 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Stoven, Green, Common Road
NR34 8ER   TM 44850 81689   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Stoven, Green Launch W3W Navigation to Stoven, Green ///overhaul.lofts.correctly overhaul.lofts.correctly
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Rural Rambles: Waveney Valley Bounds
Stoven Westhall Brampton - Walk 4 2024-08-27 No Dogs
2024 - Tue Aug 27th -  10:00  - 8.4 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Stoven, Green, Common Road
NR34 8ER   TM 44850 81689   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Stoven, Green Launch W3W Navigation to Stoven, Green ///overhaul.lofts.correctly overhaul.lofts.correctly
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Rural Rambles: Waveney Valley Bounds
Holton and Upper Holton - Walk 5 2024-08-29 No Dogs
2024 - Thu Aug 29th -  10:00  - 7 Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Holton, Orchard Valley, Street Parking
IP19 8LX   TM 40004 77774   OS Map: X 231
Launch Google Navigation to Holton Launch W3W Navigation to Holton ///furniture.waffle.plates furniture.waffle.plates
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Rural Rambles: Waveney Valley Bounds

waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

Copyright © 2024 Waveney Ramblers.