Parking Problems
- Last minute problems, road closures, vehicle fire, etc: It's a great help if the leader has shared their mobile number and has their phone switched on before and during the walk.
- To avoid parking problems, please could walk leaders think about possible congestion and perhaps select an alternative car park to avoid pressure.
- Sometimes a back-up plan might be appropriate, using an alternative car park nearby, or street parking if necessary.
- Pressure can be extreme at seaside car parks during the summer holidays.
- Wednesday walks tend to have larger attendances during spring and autumn.
- Sometimes other groups want to use the car park. It's hard to avoid this as we have no way of predicting when this might happen.
- During Covid, we were asked to avoid car sharing. We should now encourage car sharing when possible.
- And finally we could run more, but smaller, walks to reduce parking pressure. Our habit is to walk on Wednesdays and Sundays but this is not a group rule. Additional midweek and Saturday walks would be welcome. We could reintroduce dawn or evening walks, especially in summer. A choice of Wednesday walks could be tried. More volunteers would be needed for this - always a problem.
Please mail Neil for website updates.
Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.
Copyright © 2025 Waveney Ramblers.
This website does not use biscuits.