Waveney Ramblers leads walks at a moderate and brisk pace.
Moderate: 2.5 to 3 mph depending on the terrain. Brisk: 3 mph and sometimes quicker on easy terrain.
If we get volunteers, we'd like to lead slower and perhaps even faster walks.
A typical walk is five to six miles and it takes two hours plus a short snack break and delays if there are a lot of stiles. That's a moderate pace at 2.5 mph overall average and about 2.8 mph while on the move.
Please check the programme for the pace and details of each walk.
Some of the Wednesday group go for a pub lunch after the walk.
A typical walk is eight to twelve miles. Our moving average pace is a brisk 3 mph, sometimes a bit more on easy terrain. The walk is completed in around four hours. We have a picnic lunch, rushed if it's cold and wet, more leisurely in fine summer weather.
Please check the programme for the pace and details of each walk.
Whatever pace we set, there may be people who would like to go slower or faster. We'd love to increase our range and variety of walks but we rely on volunteers. If you are speedy or leisurely, please consider leading a walk.
If you'd like to lead a walk, we have twelve "Rural Rambles" PDF booklets describing walks in our region. Following one of these routes should be easier than planning one from scratch. There are hundreds of recorded routes on the website covering almost every right of way in our region.
If you'd like to get up to speed leading walks, try chatting to any walk leader about how they plan and lead their walks. And perhaps pair up with a regular walk leader for your first walk or two.
Please mail Neil for website updates.
Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.
Copyright © 2024 Waveney Ramblers.