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9th May 2025

Group Holiday 2025

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16th July 2024

Sad News - Maggie Pilkington

RIP Maggie Pilkington

Waveney Rambler member Maggie passed away at Ipswich hospital on Tuesday 16th July.

A familiar sight dressed all in green, Maggie had provided a strong support to walk leaders looking for help with recces.

The family are holding a private funeral with her ashes being scattered in Suffolk and Buckinghamshire, two counties which Maggie loved.

14th July 2024

Bug Fixed

The walk finder map was using GMT instead of local (summer) time. For one hour after midnight, walks next week were showing up incorrectly. It looks OK now.

1st July 2024

July Newsletter (The Last One)

We are switching from newsletters to a rolling news feed. Tony's last newsletter is here. Our thanks to Tony for 15 years of newsletter editing and to Roger for many years of typesetting and printing the original versions.

5th June 2024

Walking Route Finder

We have a new resource.


The map pins show the number of walks from each start point.

Click a pin to see a list of walks for the start point sorted by walk length.

15th May 2024

Risk Assessments - Update from Ramblers

Ramblers published new Risk Assessment guidance. More details here ...

Safety on Walks - Risk Assessments     Visit Facebook

Please mail Neil for website updates.

Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

Copyright © 2024 Waveney Ramblers.