Data Protection
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - The GDPR is a legal framework applicable from 25 May 2018 and introduces additional regulations for all organisations that process (collect, manage and use) personal data. Waveney Ramblers processes data, and our volunteers process data on our behalf so staff and volunteers are legally required to comply with the GDPR."
- Before sending an email to a member please make sure you have their consent to do so.
- When sending an email to a group, send it to yourself and blind copy (Bcc) the rest of the
group in (making sure you have their consent to do so).
- Do not forward or reply to any email received prior to this email, without taking points
one and two into consideration. Better still, delete them if they are not needed.
- This website holds the contact details of the Waveney Ramblers' committee and the walk leaders.
- This site does not use cookies.
Privacy Policy
- There is no advertising on this site and no contact details will be passed to third parties.
- There are links to the national Ramblers' site and to the local Ramblers' groups in Norfolk and Suffolk.
- There are links to other sites that ramblers might find useful.
- Please note that public contact details on the site are available to everyone.
- It's a bad idea to use the same password on multiple websites.
- Avoid dictionary words in your password.
- Longer pass phrases are safer.
- Beware of fake emails that appear to come from our members. All clubs and businesses suffer from this problem.
- We avoid sending attachments. We'll ask you to download programmes, newsletters, etc from the website.
- © Waveney Ramblers 2016 to now.
- © Walk programme data from the national Ramblers' website, 2016 to now.
- The GeoTools library came with thanks from licensed under the GNU General Public License.
- The walk programme data for the eight day guide is retrieved from the national Ramblers' website.
- The eight day guide promotes walks for all groups nationally, as long as their walks are listed on the national ramblers' website.
Insurance and Trips Away
- Our walks are insured as long as they are published in advance in the usual ways.
- For trips away, please read the Ramblers' FAQ. Please keep the committee "in the loop" and observe GDPR.
Legalities and Disclaimers
- Every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of these site contents.
- No responsibility will be accepted for any loss or subsequent loss sustained by their use.
- Our walk track logs are a record of our walks.
- We always try to keep to rights of way and to stay safe.
- When we deviate it's usually due to poor signposting and paths not reinstated. There's a bit of human error too!
- Please take care because walking conditions change. Rights of way get moved.
Please mail Neil for website updates.
Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.
Copyright © 2025 Waveney Ramblers.
This website does not use biscuits.