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Christmas Lunch at the Chedgrave White Horse 2023-12-06
2023 - Wed Dec 6th -  13:00 
Sue G Call Sue on 01502 717353 01502 717353 Call Sue on 07724 685347 07724 685347
Meet: Chedgrave White Horse, 5 Norwich Road, Chedgrave
NR14 6ND   TM 36089 99225   OS Map: X 231, OL 40
Launch Google Navigation to Chedgrave White Horse Launch W3W Navigation to Chedgrave White Horse ///purifier.gazed.torso purifier.gazed.torso
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Photos For Walks From This Start Point

6th December 2023, Hales and Loddon, Image 26

2023-12-06 26 Hales and Loddon.jpg

6th December 2023, Hales and Loddon, Image 25

2023-12-06 25 Hales and Loddon.jpg

6th December 2023, Hales and Loddon, Image 24

2023-12-06 24 Hales and Loddon.jpg

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waveneyramblers@gmail.com     Visit Facebook

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Waveney Ramblers is a part of The Ramblers' Association.

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