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Cyprus Trip Rural Rambles 2023-01-08
2023 - Sun Jan 8th - Various Miles
Neil Call Neil on 07411 811093 07411 811093
Meet: Cyprus, Kato Paphos, Harbour Bus Station
Apostolou Pavlou Avenue
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Neil is visiting Cyprus. Arrive today. Depart Feb 12th.

If you'd like a winter break in warmish weather, we could do some walks.

Click the map to see walks already tried and tested. The walks are blue. The bus routes are green. Some walks have parts through "villa land", OK but a bit boring.

Neil is 15 minutes walk from the harbour bus station.

Paphos Guide PDF

The daytime average temperature is 17°C. I've had hail with ice on the ground and hot sun, shorts and tee shirt weather.

The PDF guide is a couple of years out of date. On one visit my plans were disrupted by a bus strike.

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